Determination of energy balance of apple (Malus domestica) production in Turkey: A case study for Tekirdag province


İlker Hüseyin Çelen, Mehmet Fırat Baran, Eray Onler, Yılmaz Bayhan

This study aims to define the energy usage efficiency in apple cultivation in the Province of Tekirdağ. The study was conducted during 2015 production season through observation and measurement in an apple garden with a land area of 12 da and located in Nusratlı village in Central Tekirdağ. It has been tried to reveal the role of mechanization energy among all the inputs. According to the calculated data, in apple cultivation the respective figures for total energy input, total fruition, total energy output, energy output/input rate, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy have been calculated as 58839.65 MJ ha-1, 38370 kg ha-1, 92088.00 MJ ha-1, 1.56, 1.53 MJ kg-1, 0.65 kg MJ-1 and 33248.35 MJ ha-1 respectively. As a result, among the general energy inputs in apple cultivation, the highest energy consuming items have been respectively defined as fertilizer energy, fuel-oil energy, chemicals, machinery, human labour and irrigation energy.

You can download full article Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences). 

Author: erayonler

Eray Onler is a researcher who have interest on data science, machine learning, deep learning, precision agriculture, Istanbul and travelling

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